10 Cities With The Most Illegal Immigrants

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1. New York Metro Area

Total illegal immigrant population in the city: 1,100,000

Topping the list of 10 cities invaded by illegal immigrants is the New York Metro Area, which is now also the only US city to have more than 1 million illegal immigrants. This is despite a fall of 375,000 illegal immigrants over the past decade, showcasing just how important a sanctuary New York is. Approximately 15% of the total immigrant population is illegal, and since its reputation as one of the most multi-cultural cities in not just the US but the world, has been attracting immigrants for decades. In fact it is estimated that 25% of all New York residents are immigrants, and immigrants are spread across the education spectrum in the city.

See also: top 10 countries with highest immigration to US and top 11 immigration countries with highest born foreign population in the world

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