If you’re at the height of smoking, then you should try something off our list of the 10 cigarette brands that have the highest nicotine content. Though if you’re trying to quit, you should maybe stop avoid them.
I’m not a smoker, but I have plenty of friends who are and I know that people can be very picky about cigarette brands. The biggest debate usually lies within menthol vs. no menthol, but there’s also a lot of difference in whether or not someone wants to smoke something with a lot of nicotine or a little. I guess it depends on whether or not you want to assert social dominance or if you have just been smoking for a while and have built up a bit of tolerance. I’m no expert, but we’ll both be experts in a little time, so let’s take this journey together. Unless you already know a lot and that’s why you’re here. In that case, hopefully this sustains you.

Mr. SUTTIPON YAKHAM/Shutterstock.com
In 6000 B.C., nicotiana tabacum was cultivated in the Americas. People would either smoke or chew on this. Nicotine is one of the thousands of chemicals in cigarettes. If you want some more info on the content of cigarettes, you can take a look at our article of the Top 10 Ingredients in Cigarettes that are Harmful. People smoke now more than ever (except maybe in the Mad Men-era ‘60s), which proves it’s a bit of a societal norm. Some say it relieves stress, and others point out that it brings warmth to their body. Although e-cigarettes have been introduced to the market, they still have nicotine and there’s no assurance that they’re safer for your body. Lung cancer, still disregarded by some, is still a risk for smokers.
Some parts of the world have imposed high taxes on cigarettes to curb the habit, but it still hasn’t worked out well. After all, it’s an addiction, and it takes more than a high tax to kick that. Tobacco companies continue to market to younger crowds and the cycle continues.
By the way, you can watch the video below to find out 7 cigarette brands that contain the lowest tar and nicotine.
In order to create this list, we rounded up cigarette brands, whether they be popular or not, and ranked them by nicotine content. We took a look at the site KiwiCigs to determine the nicotine content since this site aggregates a lot of details on different brands. You can also check out the amount of tar in different brands on that site as well.
Here’s our list of the 10 cigarette brands that have the highest nicotine content: