Today, we present you with the cheapest brand of cigarettes in NY, CT, Ohio, Virginia and 6 other US states?
The times for us smokers have never been tougher. Prices of cigarettes are skyrocketing and the situation will just keep getting worse. If you ever thought about quitting cigarettes, now is the time. That will do wonders not only for your health but your financial situation. According to The Awl, the average price of a pack of cigarettes in 2016 was $7.26 compared to 2015 when the average was $7.03. Still, the high prices don’t stop the Americans to spend estimated $80 billion on cigarettes per year. I know people hate to calculate how much they spend on cigarettes, but let’s see how much cigarettes cost one person in the United States in a year. We will assume an average smoker buys one pack of cigarettes per day. This brings us to around $2,800, which you have to admit, isn’t a small price to pay. It means you could have gone on a vacation if you were a non-smoker. Also, you would smell better. If you don’t want to quit smoking but would like to make yourself more pleasant to be around, check out our list of the Worst Smelling Cigarette Brands In The World to know which ones to avoid.

Residents of some states have it harder than others. For example, in Virginia, a pack of cigarettes will cost you close to $5 which isn’t too bad. But, in New York, prepare to spend around $13.50 or close to $5,000 a year. The reason for this is New York’s tax. For each pack of cigarettes, there is $4.35 cigarette tax, with additional $1.60 sales tax. This won’t be the end of it since there are already initiatives to raise the prices of cigarettes even higher. For comparison, Missouri’s cigarette tax stands at $0.17. If you ever wanted to move to another state, now you know where to go. Tobacco Free For Kids data shows us that average cigarette tax in the nation was $1.69 per pack in 2017. Interesting thing is that since 2002, District of Columbia and 48 states increased the cigarette taxes 128 times.
By the way, you can watch the video below to find out 7 cigarette brands that contain the lowest tar and nicotine.
In order to compile our list of cheapest brand of cigarettes in NY, CT, Ohio, Virginia and 6 other US states we used several sources. New York, Connecticut, Ohio, and Virginia didn’t have state issued prices so the only source we could find was Cigarette Prices, a website that tracks prices of cigarettes across the nation and updates weekly. For other states on the list, we managed to find state issued minimum retail prices, so we used those. Let’s check out the list now.
10. New York
Brand: Fortuna Soft
Price: $7.54
While Marlboro Reds will cost you $13.50 in New York, you can get a pack of cigarettes for almost half that price if you choose to smoke Fortuna Soft. Also according to Syracuse, there are some places you could get Seneca cigarettes for around $4 a pack.

9. Massachusetts
Brand: Classic
Price: $6.39
With cigarette tax of $3.51, Massachusetts is also following the example of New York in high cigarette prices. Classic brand is manufactured in India and according to some people; it could be a good substitute for Camel Turkish Blend.

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8. Connecticut
Brand: Fortuna Soft
Price: $5.59
It isn’t easy being a smoker in Connecticut, since the state’s cigarette tax of $3.90 is second highest in the nation. That’s why cheap Fortuna cigarettes in soft pack with their affordability seem like a good choice

Copyright: theflesh / 123RF Stock Photo
7. New Jersey
Brand: Gold Crest
Price: $5.27
New Jersey’s cigarette tax is now at $2.70, so Gold Crest, one of the cheapest brand of cigarettes in NY, CT, Ohio, Virginia and 6 other US states, is the way to go. Unfortunately, according to the people who tried them, affordability is their only upside.

Copyright: nomadsoul1 / 123RF Stock Photo
6. Minnesota
Brand: Magna
Price: $4.37
Reading through reviews online, we noticed that there are quite a lot of people who enjoy Magna brand and describe them as a cheaper alternative to Winston and Marlboro. Since Minnesota has a cigarette tax of $3.04 which makes the majority of brands expensive, Magna seems like brand worth trying.

Copyright: artzzz / 123RF Stock Photo
5. South Dakota
Brand: Hi Val
Price: $3.81
We believe that plenty of you didn’t hear about this brand featured on our list of cheapest brand of cigarettes in NY, CT, Ohio, Virginia and 6 other US states. We also had difficulties to find some reviews about Hi Val brand, but one YouTuber did praise their flavor.

Copyright: grazvydas / 123RF Stock Photo
4. Montana
Brand: Native
Price: $3.62
In Montana, which has a cigarette tax of $1.70, there are a couple of brands you can buy for the price of $3.62. Besides the Native brand, which is regarded as poor quality ones, you can also get Mohawk and Opal.

3. Ohio
Brand: Fortuna Soft
Price: $3.29
On the third spot on our list of cheapest brand of cigarettes in NY, CT, Ohio, Virginia and 6 other US states is Ohio with Fortuna Soft, its cheapest cigarette brand. Despite the price, Fortuna brand is viewed upon positively by smokers who praise the flavor and strength of the cigarettes. In case you want something more premium, the pack of Marlboro Reds will cost you $6.69.

Copyright: antonioguillem / 123RF Stock Photo
2. Indiana
Brand: Berkley
Price: $3.27
According to online reviews, you should turn to Berkley only in desperate times. The taste has been described as poor, while some users claim the cigarettes often need to be relit.

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1. Virginia
Brand: Fortuna Soft
Price: $1.99
A familiar name on our list of cheapest brand of cigarettes in NY, CT, Ohio, Virginia and 6 other US states. In case you thought getting a pack of cigarettes for less than $2 is a dream, Virginia is there to make it a reality. Since Fortuna Soft costs $1.69, the retail price should be $1.99 when Virginia’s cigarette tax of $0.30 is added. Virginia must seem like a nice place to live now, right?
