If you ever wondered which are the 10 busiest airports in the world by aircraft movement, look no further. We have pulled the latest available data straight from the Airports Council International which is the only global trade representative of the world’s airport authorities. In other words, ACI is the only relevant provider of such data. Although we’ll focus on the aircraft movement, ACI provides other types airport information. By taking a look at their international passenger traffic data sets, we were also able to compile the list of the 10 busiest airports in the world by international passenger traffic.
As far as the aircraft movement is concerned, this is actually nothing more than one total movement of the aircraft – whether it’s the landing or the takeoff. While busiest airports by passenger traffic are more or less equally spread over the world, busiest airports by aircraft movement are not. You might end up being surprised by this, but no less than 8 out of 10 of them are located in the United States. This is mostly so due to the fact that Americans often rely on aircraft traffic for their domicile voyages. Without further ado, here are the 10 busiest airports in the world by aircraft movement.
10. Charles de Gaulle Airport
Aircraft movements: 475,776
The largest international airport in France, Charles de Gaulle is now also the busiest European airport in aircraft movements. It’s surpassed London’s Heathrow airport the year before, and has handled 475,776 aircraft movements during 2015 – 1,674 movements more than its London counterpart.
