In this article we are going to list the 10 biggest questions in science. For a detailed coverage of this topic and a more comprehensive list, please take a look a the 20 biggest questions in science.
10. How do we get more energy from the sun?
We are already harnessing the gigantic star’s energy for solar power but can we do more. Scientists are working on ways that we can split the energy into oxygen and hydrogen which could then counter our problem of dwindling fossil supply.

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9. Where do we put all the carbon?
The carbon emitted by burning fossil fuel has been gathering and is extremely dangerous to our already warming climate. We need to figure out a way to get rid of it before it causes more damage. One idea is to bury it deep into the ocean but it probably wont stay there for long. Scientists are still trying to come up with a solution.

8. Why do we dream?
There have been many theories as to why we see these pictures and stills of films during our sleep. One can take the Freudian perspective and think that they show some form of unfulfilled desires but a universally accepted theory is still not available.

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7. How are memories stored and retrieved?
Where do out memories go? Why are some memories strong while others weak? Why do we sometimes remember something unremarkable from decades ago but can’t remember yesterday’s lunch? There have been many theories put up to explain this phenomenon but even more questions pop up with every potential answer.

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6. Are there other universes?
Is there a multiverse? Evidence from cosmology and quantum physics points that there are. Even altering some of the settings of our universe would make it impossible for life to exist. Scientists are turning to the idea of a multiverse to explain other versions of our universe.

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5. What is consciousness?
What we do know about consciousness is that it works through different brain regions networked together rather than an isolated part of the brain. But which parts of our brain exactly work on the phenomenon? More research into this can point towards the workings of our imaginations.

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4. What makes us human?
One would think the answer lies in our DNA but our DNA 99% identical to a chimpanzees. But we do have larger brains than most animals. There have been theories that it is our culture which make us separate from other species.

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3. Can we find a unified theory of physics?
We have two theories that explain every other physical phenomenon; Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics. But these theories explain the world in such vastly different terms that scientists are scrambling for a new theory. String theory and loop quantum gravity have its own proponents but there are still questions to be answered and a unifying theory is still missing.

2. Are we alone in the universe?
Ah the age old question. Are there aliens? Is there life on other planets? The year 1977 saw a hint that other life might exist via a signal bearing a potential alien message. But no conclusive evidence has been found.

1. What is the universe made of?
The age old question tops our list of 25 biggest question in science. We might believe that we know a lot but truthfully, we only know about 5% of the universe! Atoms only account for about 5% of the universe and the rest of 95% is a mystery. Studies are constantly underway to learn the true nature of what makes up our universe.

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