3. FriendFinder
When: 2016
Number of accounts affected: 412 million
2016 was the year of the exposed data breaches it seems, since FriendFinder that ranks 3rd in our list of biggest data breaches of all time, was also in the spotlight. 412 million accounts, according to Leaked Source, were affected by the leak. Since FriendFinder Networks is the parent company of several sites, such as AdultFriendFinder, Cams.com, Penthouse, Stripshow and iCams.com, this means there are quite a lot of people who should be changing their passwords if they’re used on other accounts as well. Since this is adult content we’re talking about, we should remind people of the Ashley Madison hack that exposed 32 million people, some of them quite publicly.

Unlike other data breaches investigated by Leaked Source, this particular data set won’t be made public (for now) due to the sensitive nature of the site.