8. Negril, Jamaica
Score: 35;
Trip Advisor’s Most Popular Destination List: #12 (14 points);
Trip Advisor’s Most Beautiful Beach List: #15 (11 points);
Bob Marley Museum in Kingston (+10 bonus points);
The popularity of Bob Marley and his music is the reason why Negril, the number 8 on our list of best vacation spots for singles in their 30’s received ten bonus points. He has painted our adolescent years in red, yellow and green taught us to love and forgive. Kingston is on the opposite side of Jamaica from Negril and Montego Bay, but it is easily accessible by local buses. One of the most popular Jamaican resorts offers vibrant nightlife. The best way to visit the most popular clubbing spots in Montego Bay is by hopping on the One Love Bar Crawl bus and allowing local guides to lead your path. Probably the most relaxing spot in Montego Bay is the Seven Mile Beach, a stretch of golden sand, once haunted by Pirates, and today by tourists in their thirties.
