4. Davidoff
Don’t be intimidated by the price tag of this top-shelf brand which ranks 4th on our list of best tasting cigars for the money. Truly a luxurious brand that holds up to its reputation. They are known for very distinct boldness in flavor, yet with delicately smooth finishes. And while some just couldn’t afford to pay [sometimes] upwards of $30 per stick, Davidoff offers a great selection of cigars more affordable for everybody! I mean, c’mon! If you can’t afford $1 or less for one of their cigarillos (a mini cigar), then perhaps you should not be an avid or even occasional cigar smoker. Some of their basic cigars even start as low as around $3 per stick, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to save your wallet a bit. Especially, when you are sticking with a quality brand like this one.