Earn a good amount of money by seeking these best summer jobs for 16 year olds. Summer is one of the most favored seasons for a lot of people. It’s a vacation and holiday season and a lot of places in the world celebrate with events, promotions, movie releases, and many other things. For a teen that’s gone on summer break, the season provides an opportunity to pursue other interests and hobbies. Most of all, it provides the opportunity for financial gains. During the summer months, most don’t have the luxury of having money or allowance. It is important to earn a good amount of money to buy things or participate in events one would like to.
You’d be surprised at how much opportunities are available for teens and those just wanting a summer gig. These jobs range differently from part-time to full-time jobs. Most 16 year olds can actually qualify for employment opportunities that are typically done by college students, like some of those listed in The 8 Best Summer Jobs for College Students. With employment being difficult in some places in the world, one may even find competition from older people and professionals. You’ll find that a lot of these opportunities are not really difficult and will be easier the more experience you get.
These jobs are ranked based on how much you would earn on this job and considers how many hours you do it as well. There will be some differences and we hope to take the costs by average. This also takes into account how much effort you need to put in and how steep the learning curve is. Let’s learn more as we go through the best summer jobs for 16 year olds:
10. Ride Operator
Operating rides at an amusement park isn’t necessarily a high paying job but it isn’t a difficult one either. It just requires a bit of training as you have to instruct people on the safety regulations of the ride. It also just requires a few press of buttons.

Yuttasak Jannarong/Shutterstock.com
9. Lifeguard
Being a lifeguard is a good opportunity in the summer. You’ll have lots of work and you’ll get to meet a lot of people. The difficulty in this job lies in the fact that you have to get certified first before you can get a job like this. Luckily, you can get certification as young as 16. If you’re already a good swimmer then this is no difficult task.

ChameleonsEye / Shutterstock.com
8. Housekeeper
As a housekeeper your task is to clean. You make sure that all things needed in a hotel or serviced apartment are well done and new. It is your task to clean for the guest. You may have to note that higher quality hotels provide higher salary but demand a higher amount of service and hours.
7. Elderly Assistant
We often think of jobs for the elderly as something related to the medical field. In fact more elderly today are looking for young assistants to take care of work that would already be hard for them. This includes errands, chores and possibly just someone to talk to. You’ll find that some are even generous and offer more money than usual.
6. Pharmacy Associate
As long as your city or area allows teens to assist in the pharmacy then this may be a good opportunity. Always check first if it is allowed or legal. Often times you’ll just assist customers and take down orders. Some may even require cashiering duties.
The best jobs can be found in the continuation of this list of best summer jobs for 16 year olds.
5. Sales Associate
Possibly an easier job than handling pharmacy tasks, sales associates just assist customers and help them with any store related needs. This is a good opportunity for those who enjoy talking to other people. With this being a summer job you won’t really have to worry about sales targets.
4. Goods Merchandiser
Don’t let the fancy title fool you. Often times these jobs are found in convenience stores or grocery stores. You’ll arrange merchandise, stock inventory, do cashier duties, and give samples. The pay is also decent though you’d have to do a little more work.
3. Petsitter
For those who like pets, summer provides a lot of opportunities as families are always looking for people to look after their pets while their away. Much like a babysitter payment is often done per hour or depending on one’s arrangement.
2. Babysitter
More families are looking for babysitters and you’ll often be paid per hour for just looking after the kids and making sure they don’t do anything dangerous. You’ll be compensated well and won’t have to do much except on some occasions where the kids are very hard to handle.
1. Caddying
Golf clubs actually offer summer jobs for teens wanting to assist golfers. Tasks will range from carrying golf clubs to cleaning equipment and the course. You’ll be paid a significantly higher amount of money and you’ll even receive tips from time to time.
This has been the list of best summer jobs for 16 year olds. If you happen to find a good summer job, you’ll find that the job will most likely be open to you when the next summer comes.