8. Michigan
Medical and health service manager: 10,980 ($106,910)
Medical records and health information technician: 5,240 ($38,270)
Medical transcriptionist: 1,860 ($32,640)
Medical secretaries: 21,150 ($33,200)
All health admin jobs: 39,230
We are continuing our list of best states with most health care administration jobs with Michigan that is the third least costly state in America so the fact that salaries are below national average should not concern job seekers. Besides the income difference is not so big – for instance, medical managers, secretaries, and technicians earn some $3,000 less compared to nation average. However, transcriptions in Michigan receive one of the lowest salaries among listed states which is around $5,000 lower than America’s average.

Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock.com