10 Best Snow Blowers On The Market For The 2016-2017 Winter

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4. Toro SnowMaster 724

Mentions – 3

Price – $973

Given the price tag, we’re already in a different league here. The SnowMaster boasts that it can cut the snow clearing time by 30%, which is obviously something that will appeal to those who don’t want to spend forever clearing a path for your car. The snow it picks up from your path can be thrown up to 40 feet, so be sure you won’t be burying your neighbors under an extra pile of snow. For this, you can use the control joystick to change the chute direction and angle.

This may be a bit on the expensive side compared to other snow blowers we discussed until now, but it’s worth every penny according to those that have used it throughout the tough winters.

And now, let’s see the top three best snow blowers on the market for the 2016-2017 winter.

10 Best Snow Blowers On The Market For The 2016-2017 Winter

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