10 Best Selling Products in 2016

Admit it, you already have a few ideas what fits in our 10 best selling products in 2016. Ending is better than mending, shop till you drop and other mottoes have paid off. It’s an undeniable fact that we are living in a consumer society, and ever more trying to keep up with the Joneses, or should I say, the Kardashians. Be that as it may, people have never gone shopping more than nowadays. First, the number of shoppers is constantly increasing (naturally, the world’s population is always on the rise) and persuasive marketing strategies have become a real science. Or an art, depending on how you look at it.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016


Speaking of science, let us see how we got to this (un)expected list of world bestsellers. To get you the 10 best selling products in 2016 we first asked the Telegraph about the companies which obtained the highest revenue last year from selling their products. The enterprises from the list are as different as their products, so you are definitely in for some interesting reading. However, since insurance, banking services and heavy equipment companies do make the best sellers, but we believe them not to be appealing to our avid readers, they have been crossed off the list in order to focus on the categories you are keen on finding more about, such as video games and perfumes. We have found the bestseller for each category after consulting the websites that are experts in that particular area, such as Billboard or Forbes. Also, if you have already checked our article on 10 Best Consumer Products in the World, don’t worry, we have some unforeseen surprises here that are being bought as you are reading this. Actually, it is quite likely you got some of them today or this week.

Therefore, let’s see what various items people worldwide spent their money on the most in 2016.

10. Perfumes

We are starting off our list of best selling products in 2016 with perfumes. It might be said that this one continues the long family tradition. Everybody has heard of Chanel No.5, and new generations obviously are continuing to adore the brand, too. Experts from The Fashion Spot acknowledged Chanel Chance was the most popular and most sold perfume worldwide in 2016. Its creators claim it to be sparkling and romantic, so if you see yourself, or your significant other, as a vivacious and lovable person, hit the stores and enjoy the fragrance.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016


9. Video Games

Don’t worry, even if we started with a feminine product, you aren’t going to read any more about the strictly girly ones. When it comes to video games, Forbes confirmed what you have already known or expected. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is what most players chose to get the adrenaline pumping. This action packed video game is the best-seller of year 2016. As usual, not everyone is a fan and some would argue that Final Fantasy 15 should take the first place, but the will of the players is clearly shown in the numbers – Call of Duty was what pleased them the most in 2016.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016

Stefano Tinti / Shutterstock.com

8. Music

Since it would be too predictable to reveal which is the most sold album in 2016, how about trying to guess which is the most purchased CD? Lady Gaga? No, guess again. Adele? Not even close. Let us give you a hint: he is dead, but the TV channels didn’t play all his videos once he passed away. Surprisingly, the best selling CD in 2016 is  Mozart. Albeit, to tell the truth, it is not just one CD. Billboard states Mozart 225 Box Set is the best selling product when it comes to CDs. An extensive compilation, comprising 200 CDs. The number 225 represents the years since the world-renowned composer passed away. The number of copies sold worldwide is 6,250. Do the math by multiplying it with 200 and it you’ll see why it’s on the top.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016

7. Books

OK, here’s an easy one again on our list of best selling products in 2016. The little boy with a scar is no longer a boy in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. One may love the sequel in the form of a play or not, but he/she definitely didn’t hesitate when it came to buying it in order to get an opinion of his/her own. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the best seller of Amazon for the year 2016. Apparently, the world still can’t get enough of its most loved wizard. Should you wish to see the play at the Palace theater in London, make sure to book the tickets well in advance since they’re selling like chocolate frogs. I mean, hot cakes.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016

India Picture/Shutterstock.com

6. Drinks

Its legendary recipe was/is a huge secret, and you leave it to Santa on Christmas Eve. No milk or cookies any more. Probably because it’s already sweet enough. You know it’s Christmas time once the Coca-Cola advertisement starts showing. That’s how powerful the brand has become.  Coca-Cola is again the most valuable and most sold soft drink in 2016, according to the reliable statistical data in Statista. Brilliant marketing is still persuading us it is the best choice for a family meal. It made the top of our list last year, too. However, if you are curious to check out the others go to our article on 12 best selling soft drinks in the world as you are bound to find your other favorites there.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016

urbanbuzz / Shutterstock.com

5. Medicines

We sincerely hope we’re finding you in good health while you’re reading this entry on our list of best selling products in 2016. However, like it or not, we all use medicines occasionally. Most of us get sick several times a year, so no wonder the pharmaceutical industry is so strong and becoming wealthier every year (avoiding the conspiracy theories here).  As for which medicine was the most used last year, it is, according to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, a medicine called  Humira® (adalimumab). Hopefully, you don’t know it is mostly used to treat arthritis. This drug is used to relieve pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and some other autoimmune illnesses. It was an absolute hit in 2016 when it comes to the most prescribed medicines. A real best seller.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016


4. Mobile Phones

Here it is, finally. The one on our list of best selling products in 2016 you’ve been waiting for. It is very likely that you’re using it this very moment, or you have several Apple products lying around. Ever since you “took a bite” of their product for the first time, you were hooked (don’t you feel like Eve a little bit). You see it all around you – your friends have it, and there is hardly any movie without a laptop with a half bitten apple on it. Apple products are world renowned and desired. The most desired and sold one is iPhone 6s according to CNBC. In the never ending competition between Samsung and Apple, iPhone 6s takes the victory as the best selling product in 2016. Admit it, either you already have it, or you want it. Whether its heir, iPhone 7, is to repeat the craze and success in 2017, remains to be seen. Taking all the factors into consideration, it probably will.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016


3. Cars

It’s been quite a race between Toyota and Volkswagen, and in 2016 the Germans are taking the throne when it comes to the most purchased cars in the world. Their revenue overtook Toyota’s in 2016, making their vehicles the best selling product in 2016. As Fortune puts it, they sold 10.3 million cars in 2016. In addition, it explained the main culprits are Chinese consumers who weren’t as troubled by the whole “dieselgate” scandal. Check out what BBC says about it if you are thinking of buying one yourself, or simply trust the millions worldwide who already have a Volkswagen vehicle (or two) in their garage.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016

GongTo / Shutterstock.com

2. Oil and Gas

Not too many lists pay attention to what we actually regularly buy once a week, and that is gasoline, the number two on our list of best selling products in 2016. That Volkswagen of yours cannot run on air (at least, not for some time in the future, but who knows). Believe it or not, but companies which are exploiting oil and gas are at the very top when it comes to highest revenues in 2016. Not Apple or any other household name. Of course, they wouldn’t exist were it not for the insatiable need for oil derivatives in all areas of industry. Forbes says we apparently love pouring the juice at Exxon Mobil stations when it comes to gasoline and fuels since they are the strongest company in the market. Their gasoline is what most machines in the world are running on.

10 Best Selling Products in 2016

tcly / shutterstock.com

1. Chocolate Bars

Last, but not the least, and definitely the sweetest item on our list. Statista‘s reports clearly show that Hershey company is the absolute leader in its field, so their chocolate bar just had to be the part of our 10 best selling products in 2016. Reese’s is the most eaten chocolate bar worldwide. Peanut butter and chocolate are key ingredients in many chocolates, but it seems the perfect ratio is in inside Reese’s. And it even has a variety of perfections: kings size, snack size, dark… Absolutely mouth-watering. Millions of people with a sweet tooth couldn’t be wrong, could they? The best way to check – go and buy one yourself!

10 Best Selling Products in 2016