10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada

Our list of the best selling consumer products in Canada can sure come in as handy if you’re thinking about starting a business in the consumer industry.

We live in a consumer society and all the consumer products are in fact the foundation of it. The fact is that we can’t imagine our lives without buying things. We are used to having it all and we simply can’t settle for less, and we have become attached to many material things. I don’t want to say that it’s wrong (although it kind of is) because it is understandable. In a world where everything is just a click away, who doesn’t want to make their life more comfortable?

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada


We buy things on a daily basis, be it food or alcohol, or something else. If you’re curious about it, take a look at the Best Selling Consumer Products in the USA to see what do we buy most often. The consumer industry brings huge amounts of money to other industries too, such as advertising. Why are we so crazy about consumer products? The key is in marketing an individual product and promoting a brand. Companies are trying really hard to amaze us with marketing and the packaging of the product, while also focusing on the satisfaction of the consumers. These are the key elements needed for a consumer product to be a success.

The consumer industry is not just booming everywhere. We already wrote about consumer products in the USA, so today we will focus on their neighbors, the Canadians. We wanted to know what are the best-selling consumer products in this country, and for this purpose, we needed research data from Euromonitor International and Statista. Our goal was to find the booming products and consumer product categories that have recorded a steady growth in the last couple of years as well as this one. We present to you the 10 best-selling consumer products in Canada.

10. Vitamins And Dietary Supplements

According to the research, 3 out of 4 Canadians take vitamins or supplements, even though they are not quite certain that they are in fact beneficial. There is a slow growth in sales of vitamins and dietary supplements, and this trend is likely to continue in the future.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada


9. Baby Products

There has been a 2%  increase in the baby and child-specific products which is mostly due to the population growth, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. A slight unit price rise is also one of the factors that contribute to this growth.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada

Trong Nguyen / Shutterstock.com

8. Organic Beverages

As more and more people are aware of the importance of healthy nutrition, there is a rise in the sales of organic beverages, both hot and soft drinks. According to the research, this is due to the growing health-conscious culture in Canada. Let’s see what’s nect on our list of best selling consumer products in Canada.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada


7. Eyewear

According to the research, the eyewear market maintains a steady growth in 2017 with boosting sales caused by vision problems. These problems apply to different age groups, from children to adults and seniors, leading the sales of contact lenses and spectacles to grow about 5% last year. There has also been a strong demand for higher quality eyewear products, and this demand is linked to the value growth in eyewear.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada

ESB Professional/Shutterstock.com

6. Cider/Perry

It seems as if alcoholic drinks somehow dominate the list of 10 best-selling consumer products in Canada. Cider is a very popular drink in this country, and it is predicted that sales will continue to grow rapidly in the next several years. It is estimated that it will reach 87 million liters by the year of 2021. There seems to be an increasing interest in cider, and as there is room for further growth.

5. Wine

According to the data we found, wine is one of the best selling consumer products in Canada, and we totally understand why. Who doesn’t love wine? The total sales of wine that includes various types of wine such as sparkling wine etc., recorded a growth of 4% in 2016. Wine can hardly go out of fashion, and a modest growth is recorded every year.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada

Kamil Macniak/Shutterstock.com

4. Jewelry

What woman doesn’t like jewelry? But men too enjoy wearing jewelry so this explains the boosting sales recorded this year. Jewelry sales, as well as other personal accessories like bags and luggage, experienced a strong growth recently, thanks to a higher purchasing power, according to the research.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada

Carlos andre Santos/Shutterstock.com

3. Skin Care

We are continuing our list of best selling consumer products in Canada with the skin care products that are of utmost importance to women (and men) everywhere, and not just in Canada. As we age, we seek more and more anti-aging products and treatments as part of our attempt to remain young as long as possible. Skin care products, especially anti-age products, record 4% value growth, and this is the result of a struggle to develop new formulations to fight the aging of the skin. We also use a lot of sun protection lotions to protect the skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

2. Beer

Is there a man on the planet who doesn’t enjoy a cold beer after work? I sincerely doubt it, since beer is all I see people drink whenever I go out. Beer is one of the best selling products in Canada, and it doesn’t seem like the sales are ever going down so we can expect beer to remain one of the most popular alcoholic beverages.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada

Ievgenii Meyer/Shutterstock.com

1. Fast Food

Fast food is one of our favorite unhealthy things, despite its damaging effects to our health so naturally, it got to the top of the 10 best selling consumer products in Canada. Fast food is popular everywhere, and according to the research, growth in fast food is driven by chained outlets. Due to increasing competition, chained fast food restaurants are spreading to affluent areas too, so that everyone has access to their popular food. Since people are now paying a little more attention to healthy nutrition, many fast food restaurants have included some healthier options to their menu.

10 Best Selling Consumer Products in Canada
