The 10 Best Selling Consumer Electronics in India is a list of products that the country certainly purchases frequently not only because of their “best seller” status but also because of the nation’s taste for the field of technology. Unlike the 10 best selling consumer products in India, these 10 types of products that are strongly sought after, often contribute to another person spreading on their knowledge of technology or using it to contribute to the country’s economy.
India has become synonymous with a large increase in the availability and occupation of jobs in the IT sector. Aside from that, the country is also a very popular place for outsourcing work related to technology because of its highly qualified, yet cheap to hire workforce. Be it web design, site hosting or just regular platform coding, India is the place you are looking for. In a sort of miraculous way, every person with a normally functioning computer, regardless of the size, shape and power, has taken to heart to educate themselves in whatever way possible to work with technology or electronics. Of course, you would find the type of products you will see on this list pretty obvious for a nation with such a pronounced kink for technology but you should keep reading on for the sake of being informed.
Being an electronics retailer or service shop has turned out to be quite a profitable business for many people in India in the past decade. However, nowadays the web space offers a lot more than it did ten years ago so moving to working and selling on the web, without the need of any physical contact or effort, has been a huge endeavour for the technology-oriented portion of the nation. However, due to the sole essence of these two, it takes spending money to win money and all the spendings go to the booming market of electronics in the land of spices. India has long left the times when it was an exotic destination full of colors and flavors with the ever so odd flea market around the corner. While these mainly persist as a regular sight, the country is slowly moving on with all its might to a more technologically advanced future and is already becoming one of the leading forces in the area. Even so, we are not going to talk about these far-fetched, high – end aspects of the tech culture there. Let’s take a look at what all the ordinary people like you and me buy a lot.
10. Batteries
As unfortunate as it may sound, there are still parts of rural India where the electricity grid is not too reliable if there is one at all, so batteries are still a very popular way to power electronics. Aside from that, for the urban dwellers, power banks and batteries for specific devices take priority.
9. Desktop PC Parts and Accessories
The ninth spot goes to everything that makes a PC function. Things like keyboards, computer mice and the likes, together with parts for desktop PCs make up a huge part of what is being sold by electronics retailers in India.
8. Desktop PCs
However, without a desktop PC, parts and accessories are worth nothing. Many people can only afford one PC and choose the lower price and higher productivity of a desktop over their more portable alternative and for a good reason.
7. Laptop Accessories
As with any type of computer, having the machine is only a gateway to endless spendings on little extra things. In the case of laptops, a big share on the market in India goes to bags, backpacks and many other accessories that laptops need out of the box.
6. Laptops
The sixth spot in the list of the 10 best selling consumer electronics in India goes to laptops which are the less powerful and more costly, however highly portable alternative to owning a desktop PC.
5. Audio Electronics
Headphones and speakers are just a little part of what makes up the fifth spot in our list. Known as a temperamental and strongly centered around its own movies and music, the country’s population chooses to buy the equipment they need to bring the whole experience at home.
4. Networking Equipment
The Internet is probably one of the very best things that have happened to India since it allows its people to work and go about their lives in general without having to make the crippling effort to move to larger industrial hubs. However, you need modems, routers, cables and LAN cards for all of that to work
3. Smartphone Accessories
Screen protectors, cases, bluetooth devices and many more make up the third place on this list. India is a huge importer of smartphones and on its way to take a big role in the global export of such.
2. Flash Drives / SD Cards
Computers and smartphones both share one thing more than anything else – their need for storage. Just like in any other country, as digital data storage becomes cheaper and more available, the demand for it grows.
1. Smartphones / Tablets
The number one thing sold in India, however are smart devices. Quite like in any other country, the list of the 10 best selling consumer electronics in India is topped by the embodiment of the phrase “consumer electronics” – smartphones and tablets.