10 Best Schools for Orthodontics

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6. University of Washington-Health Sciences School of Dentistry

Admitting only 66 students each year, this public institution boasts the smallest class size of any program on our list, 26% smaller than average dental programs elsewhere.  Students in Washington’s dental program tend to have slightly higher-than-average DAT scores, 21, and GPAs on par with other schools at 3.60.

In the community, Washington’s School of Dentistry serves as one of Washington’s largest dental providers, and utilizes such community-driven initiatives as Regional Initiatives in Dental Education, R.I.D.E., to provide care in some of Washington’s smallest and most under-served communities. Additionally, the dental school is consistently a leading recipient of research funding from the National Institute of Health, and makes use of an innovative curriculum, which features a 6-week long clerkship program that gives students rare hands-on experience on a rotational basis and simulates the feeling of an actual general practice while in one of America’s best schools for orthodontics.

10 Best Schools for Orthodontics

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