Our list of 10 Best Remixes of Popular Songs will show you why Rap is up there with the very best genre of music. Many famous musicians have produced remixes of some of the top rap songs. These remixes have gained a lot of popularity in the recent past and fans continue to love them. Rap music has come a long way and very few of us know when and where it started. So, before we get into discussing the best remixes let us go back down the memory lane and find out where and how it all began.
The term “Rap” first came out in Britain around the 15th century. Its initial meaning was to strike or hit but as the time went on there was a bit of variation in the definition, which was to talk or speak. Around 1960s the black community in America started using the word frequently to say that somebody was having a conversation.

Anthony Krikorian/Shutterstock.com
Fatback Band’s “Kim Tim III (Personality Jock)” was the first ever commercially released rap song. However, the song wasn’t up there in the tapes, it only managed to find its place on the B-side. On the other hand they got pretty famous in the clubs and then eventually the genre found its place in the A-side of the tapes.
Now the rap music is bigger and better than ever. According to Twitter, Rap was the most talked about genre with Rock taking the second spot. Names like Jay Z, Snoop Dog, and Kanye West are among the most popular Rap artists in the current music scene.
Sometimes, remixes are more popular than the original versions, and our list of The 20 Best Remixes of Popular Songs That Will Make You Forget The Originals just proves that.
Today most of the songs hitting the first spot in the charts are Hip-Hop & Rap, which is why musicians always feel the need to come out with their own version of these songs (remixes). Mentioned below are the 10 Best Rap Remixes of Popular Songs.