10 Best Places to Retire in Utah

3. Millard

Score: 31

Median home price: $129,700

Cost of living index: 89.3

Average commute time: 17.43

Crime rate: 22

Doctors per 100K: 56

With just over 12,500 people living here, Millard County is one of the least populous counties in Utah since the territory it occupies measures some 6,800 square miles. Most of the county, however, is occupied by the Sevier Desert.

Millard County doesn’t sit as well from a medical point of view as many neighboring counties since it only has 56 physicians per 100,000 population. Thankfully, however, you should be able to find additional help nearby in case your needs aren’t covered here. The crime rate was calculated at 22, so you should be quite relaxed here. The median home price is just below $130,000; which is a price that is accessible to plenty of pockets.

Best Places to Retire in Utah