If you would like to spend your golden years in Europe and discover its rich history and culture keep on reading because we bring you the best places to retire in Poland.
As one would expect from such a large country, Poland has plenty to show. Baltic Sea coast, Tatra Mountains, and Masurian Lake District, containing more than 2000 lakes, are only some of the more popular locations among tourists. But what truly makes Poland unique is beyond its landscapes. A world-known Polish mathematician, Nicolaus Copernicus, became famous for claiming that all the planets of our system revolve around the Sun. In a very similar way, the majority of European history has been revolving around Poland. Ever since its creation in the 10th century, this country has served as a bridge between the west and the east. In times of peace, that made them a trading hub. In times of war, however – a battlefield.

Having walked such a difficult road, Poland we know today is first and foremost a land of history and culture, and one like no other. It is a place where the west meets the east – a melting pot of cultures, customs, ideologies, and even mentalities. The dark ages that once had their hold over Europe may be gone, but the stories will forever remain, and many such can be heard in this proud country, often told through countless monuments, castles, fortified monasteries and other historical buildings. And it is, after all, a good story that makes tourism flourish.
Joining the European Union in 2004 made Poland more accessible for potential visitors, and soon their cities and the Baltic coast found their place among the most popular destinations in this part of Europe. However, retirees as well are showing more interest in this country by the year. One of the main reasons may be the prices. In short, Poland is cheap. As cheap as an EU country can be. Speaking of which, you can look into other affordable options in our list of the Cheapest places to retire abroad.
Foreigners who wish to continue their life in Poland will also discover that getting residence visa is not so complicated – one is only required to buy a home there and apply. Government-funded health insurance is also simple to obtain in such case. One of the drawbacks is the overall quality of healthcare, which is not on the level of Germany, Italy, or France, but still far from alarming.
For the purpose of this article we have looked into the details regarding not only healthcare, but also crime rate statistics and costs of living and real estate, consulting various sources including Numbeo, Inside Poland, and Foreigners in Poland, among others. We have focused on those places for which sufficient accurate data could be found, setting out the best among them. The final index for each city is calculated as the average score of all parameters, with bonus points being given for exceeding the national average or negative points for failing to meet those standards. For future reference, the national average healthcare index of Poland is 60.4, whereas crime rate index is 32.5.
Now, moving on to our list of the best places to retire in Poland