10 Best Places to Retire in Florida Gulf Coast

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8. Citrus

Total score: 14

Millage rate: 17.67

Median home price: $111,500

Cost of living index: 91.1

Home to over 140,000 people, Citrus County, Florida, is a great choice if you’re looking to move. Despite the high population, you should know that the median age in the county is 54.2, which means plenty of other retirees have chosen this beautiful area to enjoy their free time.

The median home price is $111,500, which is a bit steeper than in other areas, but not an impossible sum to shell out, especially if you have some money set apart or sell your old house before moving. The overall cost of living in the area is below the national average, which is great since you’ll want to make sure you’re enjoying life, especially when so close to the ocean.

10 Best Places to Retire in Florida Gulf Coast


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