1. Fortaleza
IM Score: 31
Rent Cost: $225
Meal Cost: $5.43
Hospital to Population Ratio: 44,343
Temperature: 82/87°F
Rainy Days: 6/31
Sunny Days: 0/25
We will close our list of best places to retire in Brazil with another coastal city. If we are to believe Brazil’s Ministry of Tourism, Fortaleza is “second most desirable destination” in the country. Everything you need for entertainment, you’ll find here. From beaches, resorts, and parks to restaurants, bars and nightclubs (if you are just not ready to completely embrace the life of retiree). Just like the most of Brazil’s coastal cities, Fortaleza has high temperatures with great humidity. One thing that we should note, however, is the fact that Fortaleza ranks 12th on the previously mentioned list of the most dangerous cities in the world.