10 Best Places to Retire in Austria

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1. Bruck an der Mur

First place on the list of 10 best places to retire in Austria belongs to a small town in central Austria, and his size is complemented by a rich history, attractions, beautiful landscapes and a peaceful way of life of the local population. From historical monuments to many restaurants and pubs, this city offers idyllic life for people in retirement. This is as well expressed through lower cost of living, which amount to $2,820 per month. The price of renting a one-bedroom apartment is $290, but if you want to buy an apartment you need to allocate around $1,150 per square meter. The level of health services is satisfactory and the index of medical care amounts to 67.66 /100. The climate is continental, with an average temperature of 61 °F and almost 33 inches of annual precipitation.

Best Places to Retire in Austria

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