The 10 best performing weight loss companies have found success in an increasingly competitive environment, one which is pitting supplement providers, medical device makers, weight loss services providers, and fitness providers against each other in a no-holds-barred, fat melting melee.
These companies are also forced to compete against top weight loss diets that can be found online, and it seems like there’s a new fad diet coming out nearly every week. There’s the DASH (anti-high blood pressure) diet, the Zone (low glycemic load) diet, the Paleo (natural foods) diet, the ketogenic (low-carb) diet, the vegan (non-animal products) diet, the Dukan (high protein) diet, and many more. Easy diet plans, recipes, and program calculators for any of these diets are freely available online.
Amid that backdrop, it can be challenging for the best performing weight loss companies to get eyeballs on their own programs or products, and more importantly, to convince consumers that it’s worth spending money on them to try and shed their excess pounds. Convenience and simplicity are often where these companies shine, which makes them ideal for busy people who don’t want to face the high confront of having to shop for new foods, learn new recipes, and map out and stick to meal plans. For other companies, primarily fitness providers and supplement companies, they are not directly competing against diet plans, but rather, often work in concert with them.

One thing that all of these companies do have going for them is the size of the weight loss market, which is expected to top $200 billion by 2019, according to MarketsandMarkets. U.S obesity figures are horrifying, with nearly 36% of adults being obese and just under 69% being overweight or obese according to the National Institutes of Health. That ranks the U.S as the most obese country in the developed world. Hispanic and black obesity rates are particularly high in the U.S, with 77% of Hispanic adults being overweight, while nearly half of all African Americans (47.8%) are obese. A shocking 57% of black women in the U.S are obese. On the other hand, just 12.6% of Asian Americans are obese. Another startling statistic is that the average U.S female now weighs more than the average U.S male did 50 years ago, checking in at 166.2 pounds.
On the following pages, we’ll rank the best performing weight loss companies and share a little bit about their programs or products. While we believe their stock performance is certainly connected in some regards to the effectiveness of their offerings, providing a valuable gauge for those looking for weight loss options, there are certainly other factors in play as well, and certain segments of the market are experiencing stronger growth than others, which will be reflected in stock prices.
For further health-related reading, including some companies that are also tackling weight-related issues, don’t miss our list of the 11 Largest Pharmaceutical Companies In The World.