10 Best Online Homeschool Programs for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities

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7. Calvert Education

Price: $349,00 (per course) – $2,390 (complete homeschool curriculum for 8th grade)

We are continuing our list of best online homeschool programs for kids with ADHD or learning disabilities with Calvert Education that has a long history of educating children in the USA as well as in more than 90 countries all over the world. They offer assistance for homeschoolers and children with learning disabilities. They offer Pre-K to 8th-grade education with a complete homeschool curriculum which includes step-by-step lesson manuals and a lot of online resources. Full-grade packages contain online as well as printed reading books, text books and all the resources your child needs. Prices vary from $349,00 per course to $239,000 complete homeschool curriculum with Advisory Teaching Service for 8th grade. Since each child needs individualized approach, it is best if you contact them personally and take a look at their website and payment plans.

10 Best Online Homeschool Programs for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities

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