10 Best Online Homeschool Programs for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities

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2. Reading Horizons At-Home

Price: starting at $199

Reading Horizons At-Home, next on the list of best online homeschool programs for kids with ADHD or learning disabilities is online software created for children with dyslexia. This software contains decoding strategies, comprehension tests and vocabulary practice which help your child make amazing progress in a matter of months. It uses a multi-sensory approach thus activating several areas of the brain which helps a dyslexic person to make the connections needed for understanding and reading the text. This program starts with simple concepts and then slowly advances to more complex ones allowing the student to gain more self-confidence. It received positive reviews, and it is definitely a good idea to try it, especially because you have a 60-day money back guarantee. If the program does not suit your child, you can get your money back and try a different curriculum.

10 Best Online Homeschool Programs for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities


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