10 Best Majors that Make Money and Are Fun

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5. Comic Art

Did you know you can major in comic art? That’s right, you can, and you will learn all about what it takes to create a piece of work that will attract readers. You will learn about characters development as well as how to gain command of line, color, and compositions. Definitely one of the best majors that make money and are fun, right? This sounds like a unique experience that guarantees to have a lot of fun while studying. It’s not easy to determine a median salary for a comic artist because there are so many factors to consider, but according to The Art Career Project, a comic book writer gets paid roughly $100 per page (more if it’s really good), and on average, earns a median annual salary of $53,080.

10 Best Majors that Make Money and Are Fun

Prometheus72 / Shutterstock.com

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