10 Best Low Priced Stocks to Invest in Now

6. BGC Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BGC)

Number of Hedge Fund Investors: 38

Stock Price as of December 24: $9.04

BGC Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BGC) is a leading global brokerage company that specializes in electronic and voice brokerage. The company specializes in services including fixed income, currencies, commodities, and equities. BGC Group, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:BGC) primary clients include institutional investors, banks, and financial intermediaries.

One of the key strategies BGC Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BGC) is employing to drive future growth is through strategic acquisitions. Recently, the company agreed to acquire OTC Global Holdings, the largest independent energy and commodities broker, and completed the acquisition of Sage Energy Partners. These acquisitions are expected to be immediately accretive and will add more than $450 million in annual revenues to the company’s top line. These moves are part of BGC Group, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:BGC) broader strategy to strengthen its position in the energy and commodities markets, which are significant and growing segments of the financial landscape.

BGC Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:BGC) is also focusing on innovation and technology to drive growth and maintain its competitive edge. In September, the company launched the FMX Futures Exchange, which provides clients with much-needed innovation, superior pricing, and improved capital efficiencies. Since its launch, FMX Futures has already connected five of the largest FCMs (Futures Commission Merchants) including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Marex, RBC, and Wells Fargo. The company aims to connect an additional five to ten of the largest FCMs over the next couple of quarters.