10. Taxi driver
Median Annual Wage: $24,300
Remember when we mentioned how persons with Asperger’s or high-functioning autism have better long-term memory than most people who are not on the spectrum?! Well, this is one of the jobs where this strength can be used as a great advantage. Despite GPS systems, which have made this job easier, it is always the best option to have a taxi driver who can visualize the whole map and every street in his/her head. Above-average visuospatial memory enables individuals with Asperger’s or high-functioning autism to do exactly this. Driving is an activity that requires concentration and it has a clearly visible end goal: bringing people to their desired destination in the most efficient way. This can be a perfect job even for those individuals who do not like to associate too much because social interaction is limited to the length of the ride.

Leonard Zhukovsky/Shutterstock.com