10 Best Cheap Online Courses For High School Students

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8. Yale

Yale is another top university to offer online courses on our list of best cheap online courses for high school students for students from anywhere in the world. They built this online experience around video-base discussion sessions, which means that students will get to connect face-to-face to discuss the topics of their courses. With classes being only made out of 20 students, the faculty members will get to know each one of the students and help guide them better.

At the end of the summer, you’ll have earned Yale College credit, which is great if you dream of attending it.

There are multiple courses available, such as Abnormal Psychology, Brains of Genius: Mozart and Friends, Econometrics and Data Analysis I, Introduction to Macroeconomics, Reading and Writing the Modern Essay, Drugs, Brains, and Behavior, Jazz, Race, and Gender in America and more. They all have specific meeting times that students need to respect in order to attend properly.

Tuition fees rise to $3,900 for one course, with additional application fees and technology fees, pushing the cost up to $4,060. Since this is Yale we’re talking about the price isn’t that surprising, but it’s still lower than what other universities have to offer, and it’s a great opportunity for the future.

10 Best Free Online Courses For High School Students


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