10 Best Cheap Online Courses For High School Students

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2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Up next on our list of best cheap online courses for high school students is MIT. One of the best schools in the world offers online courses for high school students. Called MIT OpenCourseWare, they freely and openly made the material of thousands of MIT courses available online. The documents cover the entire MIT curriculum, so it’s like you’re there yourself, even if you’re on the other side of the world.

On top of the courses being free, you don’t even need to sign up, or enroll or anything of the like. You’ll just get to go through the material at your own pace. Of course, there’s no MIT credit at play here or certificates of any kind, but as the university puts it “knowledge is your reward.”

10 Best Free Online Courses For High School Students

Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.com

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