10 Best Free Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

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10. Create an online community around your brand

Social media communities have become a marketing trend this year. In 2020, many users want a more personal experience than simply following a brand. They want to be a part of an online community, and exchange their ideas and experiences with other like-minded people. That’s why businesses create private Facebook groups or chats in different messengers to form communities around their brands.

Social media communities work especially well for small businesses. Creating a group or a chat will help you establish trust-worthy relationships with your clients and network with them in an unconventional and private way, and also teach you a lot about their needs.

Final thoughts

2020 has been one of the hardest years in recent history. With months of self-isolations and restrictions, it’s not a head-scratcher why many businesses faced a decrease in sales and saw less engagement than ever. It’s been especially hard for small companies, and it is not clear when these unstable economic times will end.

However, even in the midst of crisis, you can adapt, rethink your marketing strategy, and find free ideas you can implement in order to survive as a business. When all of this is over, you will be stronger than ever as a company.

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