Apparently meeting new, potential dates at bars is a thing of the past, which is why we came up with a list of the 10 Best Free Dating Sites for Singles in NYC so you can have more access to the city’s dating pool.
These days, it is more likely that you will meet your soulmate over the internet than in real life. Why is that you ask? Well, just think of the power and the reach of the internet. Statistically speaking, there will be way more potential matches available for you, than you will ever be able to meet in person. The internet on the other hand, as the ability to browse through all the potential matches in an instant, given that they also have an online profile. Then, the complex and somewhat advanced algorithm of the app/website you are using, will filter out and find the best possible matches for you. Based on your specific preferences and interests. However, if you do not mind spending a few bucks on your apps to get a bit more convenience, then you might be interested in 10 best dating apps for hooking up in NYC as well.

Ahuli Labutin/
Just 50 years back from now, something like this would have been considered impossible and weird to be quite frank. But thanks to the rapid development of information technology, this has become extremely simple and is becoming more common. Did you know that over 8 million people are living in New York City? Of that 8 million, more than 1.5 million people who are single/not married. New York City is a great place to look for a potential mate online.
If you live in New York City and you are single, then this list will help you find your potential soul mate. Well, at least it will show you the path to finding your soul mate, and the rest depends on you. Keeping that in mind, on our list, we will share with you a few websites/apps that we think are the best out there for hooking up with singles. Of course, as the name suggests, the apps are going to be free. However, some of them may have optional payments if you want to unlock some premium features. But, these are optional, you can use all the apps never having to make a single payment.
The dating app/website market is highly saturated these days. To find out the absolute best among a lot of apps and websites it took some research on our part. To come up with our list, we first consulted the database of Class Curious, a great source of information if you live in NYC. Then we went ahead and did a little digging on the internet via a simpleGoogle Search to then sort out all the raw data into a list. You will find that there is no particular ranking to our list, as it ‘s hard to determine if one site or app is better than the other as people have different rates of success in different places.
If you’re ready to take a swim in the city’s dating pool, check out our list of the best free dating sites for singles in NYC.