Exploring the best financial services companies to work for is a great way to evaluate your options in the financial sector.
And If you’re looking for a job in the finance sector, 2014 might just be the year for you. As the consequences of the recession have worn off, the industry is once again booming and numerous job opportunities will be made available to those with the right qualifications. But not all financial services companies are the same. And we’re not talking only about paychecks.
We would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the best financial services companies to work for, according to the level of satisfaction employees have with the respective corporations.
The companies were ranked according to the statistics issued by Glassdoor.com earlier this year. Glassdoor.com is an online platform where employees share info and opinions about their workplace. Glassdoor.com analyzed thousands of reviews in search of the best financial services company. The main indicator used in the analysis was employee sentiment. More specifically, employees were asked how they felt about their workplace and how they though the management department was leading the company. Over 100 financial services companies were evaluated, from accounting firms to banks and brokerages, and from credit card companies and mutual fund managers to asset management companies. The maximum total score for a company is 5, corresponding to” very satisfying”.
We’ve included the ratings the companies have received both in 2013 and in 2012, for you to compare how the following businesses have evolved. Most of the companies in our countdown improved their ratings, with the exception of three: American Express and PwC which both dropped 0.1 points and Standard Chartered Bank, which maintained the same score as last year.
Susquehanna International Group took this year’s number one spot with an employee sentiment score of 4.1, 0.4 points higher than in 2012. The international securities markets company was praised for its decent pay and benefits, the free meals, onsite transportation services, the gym, concierge service, and health care facilities. In addition, employees at Susquehanna International Group also appreciated the company’s investments in technology.
Curious to see which have been the most appreciated financial services companies in this past year? Let’s take a look at the countdown of the best financial services companies to work for.
NOTE: only financial services companies operating in the US were taken into account for the purposes of this countdown.