You may be about to have a date with the most handsome guy you have ever seen and you are wondering what the best drinks to order at a bar for a woman. Or perhaps you are meeting your friends somewhere cool and who knows you may run into your future Love – so you really need to be elegant, sexy and attractive. That’s all right – you intend to put on your favorite charming clothes, have a decent make-up and dive into a pleasant night – but what should you order when you are there? Now we would like to give some easy tips what to drink at a bar even if you are just hanging around with your old friends from the university!
If you are not really fond of wines but for once you have just decided to taste the best ones although it is a completely unknown empire of the alcoholic world for you, well we can serve you with our article 10 Best Red Wines for People Who Don’t like Wine. As for myself, I admire the amazing color of silky-shining, deep purple-red wines while watching them through a glittering crystal glass and adore the taste of dry white wines.

For now, we have looked after and investigated for you the best drinks a woman can order at a bar. What were our points of views? How did we rank alcoholic beverages for you? Well, as this article is being written for women we watched three of the typical aspects that women generally consider: the drink shouldn’t contain too much strong alcohol, not too many calories, yet it should be elegant to consume. So if drink A is in the first place on our list it means that it is the most elegant, contains less calories and powerful alcohol (of course this can be changed if you take a larger portion of a certain drink than the regular serving of it is). Information on calories in various alcoholic drinks we found on GoodHouseKepping, and some other statistics on most popular drinks on Webtender. These sites helped us a lot to create this list.
Nevertheless, we feel bound to mention that every lady should know her limit – this is the first rule of ordering drinks at a bar. May we be sexy dressed-up, gracious, have a great sense of humor, be a Nobel Prize winner – it can be pretty embarrassing if we do not know our limit. Now, to cut a long story short let’s see the best drinks to order at a bar for a woman – together!