10 Best Countries for American Fugitives

Today we present you 10 best countries for American fugitives, an essential reading for all prospective outlaws (and wannabe outlaws) out there.

Best Countries for American Fugitives


Ever since Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid fled the United States and started their wild run across Argentina, Chile and Bolivia, the myth of doing one final job and settling in South America has been a main topic of many criminals’ daydreams. If you add the fact that Butch and Sundance’s deaths were never officially confirmed and rumors about them living their lives in America after plastic surgeries in Paris, the allure of their adventures only increases.

One fact that is often overlooked in these plans is that Butch and Sundance did this at the turn of the 20th century.

Although there are plenty of places to visit in South America before you die, governments there are mostly hostile to the idea of harboring American fugitives and criminals. In most countries it is very hard to remain hidden from local authorities, especially if you are a foreigner and unfamiliar with local customs (like who to bribe and how much). That being said, there are still countries American fugitives can run to and spend the rest of their lives under the radar of FBI. On the other hand, South America is no longer the only place a retired criminal can spend his golden years. Some of the places on our list may come as a surprise to you. More recently, another high-profile American fugitive, Edward Snowden, has been capturing headlines all over the world.

Choosing the best country to flee from the law is a daunting task. There are plenty of things to consider before settling on a destination. Whether the country has the extradition treaty or not with the US is often cited as one of the most important factors. But if you look at the history of relationships between the United States and some countries that do have such treaty signed, you’ll find out that it isn’t as bulletproof as it is made out to be. For instance, Roman Polanski lived in France for over 30 years despite being wanted man in the US and the fact that Paris and Washington have signed an extradition treaty.

Let’s find out where that hard earned money from a bank robbery can be best spent in our list of 10 best countries for American fugitives.

10. Somalia

After watching Black Hawk Down, it is doubtful that there are many Americans who have a positive opinion of Somalia. But if you are looking a life in prison and you don’t mind living in an anarchistic environment, Somalia may be worth considering. At least not many people there browse FBI’s Most Wanted list.

Best Countries for American Fugitives


Despite Hugo Chavez not being around anymore, current Venezuelan government keeps practicing their favorite past time, annoying the United States every chance they get. Two countries do have signed extradition treaty, but Caracas rarely honors it. Even if they agree to send you back to America, it will probably take years before they get around to it, giving you enough time to change location and move up the list.

Best Countries for American Fugitives

8.  Brazil

If Dominic Toretto and his gang can do it, so can you, if you don’t mind living in favelas that is. It is highly improbable that police will risk entering one of them just to apprehend an American fugitive. Still, Brazil isn’t a place to run to from alimony payments. Favelas have a tough reputation for a reason.

Best Countries for American Fugitives

7. Brunei

Hassanal Bolkiah is the Sultan of Brunei and one of the wealthiest persons in the world. He is also legally unable of being wrong. Ever. Does that sound like a person that will cave into American demands for extradition?

Best Countries for American Fugitives

6. Vietnam

Vietnam is a great place for an American outlaw living a low-key life. Usually, the local police have much better things to do than chase people for crimes they committed in another country. They rarely chase them even for crimes committed in Vietnam.

Best Countries for American Fugitives

5. Cuba

The number 5 on our list of the best countries for American fugitives is Cuba. With their excellent climate and beautiful women, not to mention a strained relationship with the US, Cuba would be placed much higher on our list if it weren’t for the recent reestablishment of diplomatic ties with Washington. The relationship is far from friendly, but it seems that it is only a matter of time before McDonalds opens in Havana.

Best Countries for American Fugitives

4. Ecuador

Ecuador’s rising economy and breathtaking scenery has attracted many American expats in recent years. This means it is easier to blend in, and any money you may have with you will go a long way there.

Best Countries for American Fugitives

3. China

Anyone who is a native English speaker can get a job of teaching English in China. Choose a place that is a bit of from any beaten path and you can enjoy your retirement in peace.

Best Countries for American Fugitives

2. Russia

Apart from the obvious political reasons, Russia has one more advantage over the most countries listed here that secured its high position. Being mostly European country, it is much easier to blend in Moscow than say Hanoi. Pro tip: dress warmly.

Best Countries for American Fugitives

1. France

And the best country for American fugitives on our list is France. Why? Well, mainly because it is France, but also because the French consider both American judicial and prison systems to be grossly unfair and inhumane and they are very reluctant to send anyone their way.  Besides Polanski, France also refused to extradite Michael and Linda Mastro, an American couple indicted for money laundering. Due to their advanced age and fragile health, the French would only agree to give them up if the US government promised not to send them to prison. Sounds like a great deal.

Best Countries for American Fugitives