What are 10 best cities to retire in Pennsylvania? Keystone State has become one of the most popular destinations among seniors for a few reasons. First, it does not tax social security income, federal, state or local pensions, thus leaving its residents with fuller wallets. Although it has one of the greatest effective real estate tax rates in the country, housing prices are not as high as in neighboring New Jersey, for instance. With the median home value of 164,900, the Mid-Atlantic state occupies 26th place in the US. Moreover, America’s health ranking shows that Pennsylvania’s older residents receive quality healthcare – unlike many other states, it does not have an alarming geriatricians shortfall, the majority of seniors receives recommended hospital care and undergoes necessary screenings while total community support expenditures are kept at high levels. Finally, in terms of costs of living, many PA cities, including metro areas such as Pittsburgh, are well below national average.

In creating this ranking, we took into account a few factors, including real estate prices, costs of living and crime rates. You will discover that in some places average square foot price is as low as $38. Even more importantly, in nine of ten towns, monthly housing expenses do not exceed the national average, while overall living costs are from 2 to 22 percent less than America’s average. Affordability in listed places allows seniors to put some money aside for travelling, maybe visiting these cheapest countries to live like a king. However, it is hard to find a perfect place and listed towns have shortcomings. In some, crime rates are more than double America’s average. Moreover, humid weather and lack of sunny days might put seniors off from relocating to some of the ranked places.
To find out which are 10 best cities to retire in Pennsylvania, we compared a few lists made by different websites searching for places that appear on two or more rankings. Our primary sources were Niche’s Best towns to retire in Pennsylvania, Smartasset’s Best towns to retire, website Best places to retire, and Forbes’s Best place to retire in 2016. We ranked these places using as criteria average square foot price, which we obtained from Realtor, median household income and average commuting time (US Census Bureau data), overall costs of living and crime rates, which we found at Sperling’s best place.