Our list of the 10 best cities for veterinarians at face value won’t seem to have anything in common. They’re as lux as the a place in Hawaii and as homely as a town I swear was in Wales.
Being a veterinarian is very specific, challenging and rewarding. A veterinarian is a special kind of doctor. When you take a look at the regular (aka people) doctors, could you vouch that all of them love people and they all enrolled college because they wish to help the humanity? Admit it, you would shake your head in doubt. Becoming filthy rich ranks high in the motives for starting a doctor’s career. On the other hand, even though becoming a vet can turn out to be quite lucrative, it is love towards the animals that is essential. Strangely enough, someone doesn’t have to like people to become their doctor, but animal doctors have always taken care of their pets or other animals in their life.

Taking care of our little (or not so little) furry (or not so furry) friends is no mean feat. What are some things that may not be so great about being a veterinarian? If you like jokes, then you know one of them is the fact that your patients can’t talk. A lot of people wonder: do veterinarians work inside or outside and where can you work as a veterinarian? It pretty much depends on the position. The majority work in private clinics or hospitals, whereas others travel to farms for work, do their job in laboratories or classrooms, or work for the government. Challenges of being a veterinarian can be somewhat daunting. Chron explained it pretty well and gave some excellent examples. First of all, scholarships are very high so most future vets have a student loan to think about and pay off. Next, if you decide to own a practice, you have to invest in marketing a lot. Treating ill pets is OK, but you also have to think a lot about preventive care for different species. Regardless of the fact that your patients can’t talk, their owners surely can, and dealing with different types of people is something even the most brilliant experts find rather tiring and nerve-wracking. Moreover, this is a very competitive field. Competition is fierce, and to make the matters worse, you can’t ever stop learning. New medicines and new trends are constantly emerging and you have to keep track of them, take the best and forget the worst. This occupation will always keep you on your toes.
What are some of the benefits of being a veterinarian? On the plus side, your work hardly ever gets mundane. You can be sure there will always be unpredictable situations to deal with. Globally, the standard of living is increasing and people are purchasing pets more than ever so the job is in high demand. According to the USA Bureau of Labor Statistics, vet employment is predicted to have an increase of 9% in the period between 2014-2024, which is higher than all other occupations. And last but not the least, vets are usually doing the job they love. Job satisfaction is one of the crucial factors for a person’s overall well-being.
As usual, it’s the best when our passion for the work and high wages coincide. First, we decided to check out which the best countries to be a veterinarian are and found the information at our list of the 9 Highest-Paying Countries for Veterinarians and Veterinarian’s Money Digest. The very best country to work for if you are an aspiring young vet is the USA. When it comes to the highest paid veterinarians in the world, they can be found in Hawaii. By the way, if you have opted for this college, you probably want to know where veterinarians are needed the most. In the US, Columbia Tribune and Carrington College give the answer to what states need vets the most. As it appears, it is rural areas that have been neglected and are most in demand for skilled professionals. What’s in it for you? Well, you get to be hired more easily and there are even special scholarships should you decide to work with large animals in the countryside.
Once we found the country which would be one of the best places to live for veterinary technicians in the world, we asked the USA Wage about the highest salaries for veterinarians per city. All the collected information is based on the national compensation survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2016 and published in April 2017. Interestingly, the salaries in the US are better than the highest veterinarian salary of any other country in the world. Therefore, our list of best cities for veterinarians comprises only American cities. Most US cities will reward experts in this field more than any other in the world when discussing base (beginner’s) salary. As for the lowest start-up salary and the worst cities for veterinarians in that perspective, stray away from Dallas-Plano-Irving, Texas. The amount you will start with is only $31,600. Which brings us to our ranking.
We listed the best cities for veterinarians according to the average base salary, not the highest one possible a vet could be earning after years of experience. For instance, Dallas-Plano-Irving is not so low on the list of the highest average income that can be achieved, but it’s best to be paid at least twice of the amount they offer for starters, isn’t it? The best city would offer you the highest salary with minimum experience, doesn’t it? Don’t worry. All the cities we picked will still provide you with maximum median salaries well over $100,000 per year. In addition, we included some extra information which may interest you when choosing a city to work and live in.
Finally, here is our list of 10 best cities for veterinarians.