The best cities for bargain shopping in USA are hopping year round, full of the kinds of people who will be shopping the whole night through on Black Friday this year. The kind of people who would sacrifice almost anything for a bargain, and can sniff them out like a search dog. Some people just have that knack and more power to them.
No doubt the rest of us wish we had that same shopping savvy come this time of year. The pressure is slowly beginning to build to get those Christmas gifts bought, and it can get pretty unsettling. There’s nothing worse than agonizing over what to get your friends and family, how much to spend, where to get it, and when. (Which is why shopping in USA online is becoming increasingly popular.) Especially for those who have zero ideas, and not much money either, to start out with. Enter bargain shopping. This term could mean hitting up the outlet malls, researching the biggest sales at department stores, and/or comparing prices of the best products. And, though this is also a matter of preference, most people enjoy a night or two out on the town amid the big city lights. Sometimes, especially if the weather is a little chilly and you have a latte in one hand, this can seem almost magical. So if you’re in or near the area, consider hitting up one of these cities to find your best deals. Everyone would make the perfect day trip or even weekend trip.

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To find our best US cities for bargain shopping, we researched the topic and used many different lists from credible sites as a gauge, such as Travel Channel’s Best US Outlet Mall Destinations, Forbes’ Best US Cities for Bargain Shopping, US Travel News’ Best Shopping in the USA, Smarter Travel’s Best US Shopping States, etc. We even used lists of worldwide shopping destinations like In 2 City’s Best Cities for Bargain Shopping, CNN’s World’s Best Shopping Cities, and Frommer’s Travel Guide’s World’s Best Cities for Bargain Shopping. Each time a city appeared on one of the lists, we gave it one point. This means the winning cities were mentioned multiple times by a variety of sources, which indicates they are truly the best.
But keep in mind that the term “bargain shopping” can mean many different things to different people. For some, it could mean cities with the highest density of Goodwills. For others, who would rather avoid the cheapest shopping in USA locations, it could mean cities with the highest density of Nordstrom Racks. The desired cost or quality is always very different when using the general term “bargain shopping.”
Besides, is a “bargain” a sale? Is it the clearance rack? Is it just a low price? Is it a lower price for a higher quality item? Does quality even matter? All of these questions and more can be raised. So these are simply general bargain friendly cities you might like to check out. And for even more fun shopping destinations, see our list of the 10 biggest outlet malls in the USA.
Don’t forget, Christmas is looming in the near future and Black Friday is only a month away! So whether you’re looking for the best places to go shopping for clothes or other items, we’ll give you a boost with our list of best cities for bargain shopping in USA.