10 Best and Worst Nationalities of Women According to Microsoft Bing?

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9. Japan

We are continuing our list of best and worst nationalities of women according to Microsoft Bing with Japanese women, and there were two terms mentioned the most while searching them – “effeminate” and “working themselves to death.” “Effeminate” we took as a highly positive thing, which is in this case entirely true for these beautiful women, from my point of view. They seem fragile and sensitive in the most positive way, which enhance that feminine look. However, on the other side, we got this strange statement about work. We took it as neutral, as although it is seen negative from the point of view of our culture, Japanese culture is different. Therefore, not to go deeper, we left it as a neutral remark.

10 Best and Worst Nationalities of Women According To Microsoft Bing?

Pixabay/Public Domain

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