10 Beach Resort Jobs with Employee Housing

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5. Security Guard

$12 per hour

Security within resorts is of huge importance, and it will often affect the customers’ decision whether to come and stay at the specific resort. When it comes to the security, providing a lifeguard for taking care of the swimmers is definitely not enough, since there are always some other places and entrances that need to be taken care of, in order to provide the sense of security to all of the people within the resort, both employees, and customers. Security guards never sleep, so be prepared to work even night shifts. This is probably the most responsible job within the resort since you are in charge of making sure that everything is calm, safe and without danger, so think twice whether you are the real person for this before you apply. And now, let’s see the top four entries in our list of beach resort jobs with employee housing.

10 Beach Resort Jobs with Employee Housing


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