8. Autistic people often have sensory difficulties
Due to the specific nature of autism spectrum disorder, children with this condition do not experience the world in the same way we do. Many of them are facing different kinds of difficulties while trying to process sensory information. For example, some can’t perceive individual sounds, and some are even dealing with hearing loss in one ear. That’s called hyposensitivity. On the other hand, there is hypersensitivity that is reflected in their senses being too acute and sharp. In that case, such individual can overhear conversations from a long distance, or in the worst case scenario to be unable to isolate background noise thus hearing every sound on a magnified scale. If you know someone like this, noise-canceling headphones can be a perfect gift. To choose the best ones, take a look at our article on the best noise-cancelling headphones and earplugs for kids with autism. Now, let’s see what’s next on our list of autism facts and statistics: autism rates in Amish, countries that don’t vaccinate and more.
