You can use this article as an autism fact sheet since we are bringing you 10 autism facts and statistics: autism rates in Amish, countries that don’t vaccinate and more. Autism prevalence is increasing day by day, and it is estimated that this year more children will be diagnosed with autism than with AIDS, cancer, and diabetes combined. It is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the world, that affects 1 in 68 children. While there are some suggestions regarding what contributes to the development of autism, specific factors are still unknown. The best approach, when it comes to autism treatment is the combination of education programs, behavior therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, etc. Each autistic child is unique, and symptoms vary from child to child. Many of them are avoiding social interaction, eye contact, and communication in general. Also, a lot of autistic children have a very short attention span for certain things while they can endlessly repeat some other actions. Restricted and repetitive behavior has been recognized as the core symptom of autism, often displayed from early childhood.
It is interesting that autism statistics vary by state and according to our list of states with the lowest rates of autism in the US, Iowa is the state with lowest autism rates (0.10%) with one child out of 767 diagnosed with autism. You can also check out our article about states with the highest rates of autism in America. It seems that autism can affect anyone and anywhere, regardless of race, gender, age or economic status which is confirmed by autism statistics worldwide. Surprisingly, countries like the United Kingdom, Sweden and the USA are among the countries with the highest rates of autism – just take a look at our article about countries with the highest rate of autism in the world and see it for yourself. Still, the list of developed countries with lowest autism rates shows that some developed countries like Italy, Ireland, and Germany have very low autism rates. Once again this proves that, despite constant research, a lot about autism is still unknown.
One of the widespread beliefs about causes of autism is that vaccination can cause it. This discussion has divided the population around the globe among those who are pro-vaccine and those who are anti-vaccine. Both sides will claim that there is scientific evidence to support their belief and whatever the truth is, statistics show that autism rates are on the rise. Mawson Homeschooled study, focusing on homeschooled vaccinated, and unvaccinated children in America showed that vaccinated children are more likely to develop allergic rhinitis, ADHD, and autism, among other things. Nevertheless, some scientists completely disregarded these findings. Personally, I believe that this topic will remain controversial for quite some time and that both sides have good and faulty arguments to support their claims.
To compile this list of 10 autism facts and statistics: autism rates in Amish, countries that don’t vaccinate and more, I turned to the Internet to search for some information about autism, vaccination, the Amish community and of course the “missing link” that in a way connects all of that. The starting points were websites such as Autism Speaks, Child Mind, and Spectrum Clarity that provided me with much needed basic knowledge regarding autism. Considering that we are dealing with a very complex disorder, I picked only a few most interesting facts for our list, which are often a topic of fiery debates. They are not ranked in any particular order since there is no criterion according to which I could rank them. However, I have to admit that the number one on this list is my favorite. Let’s take a look at our list of autism facts and statistics: autism rates in Amish, countries that don’t vaccinate and more.