If you are searching for a flexible job to fit into your hectic lifestyle, then read our list of 10 9-3 part time jobs for moms with kids in school.
Do you feel like your search for a job is an endless process of writing resumes, applying, and being rejected? It sounds almost impossible to find a decent job that pays well. Most often we are having difficulties because we don’t have years of working experience and admirable qualifications or a college degree. However, those that get lucky enough to actually find a job are always exhausted because it seems like they are spending their entire lives at the office without being able to spend any quality time with their families. It sometimes seems even harder to find a part-time job and if you are a mom who needs to be more at home than at work, well you definitely need one. We can only imagine how hard it is for a mom to find a job that will provide her with an income and a little time to spend with her kids and take care of them after school. Moms who work full-time probably feel like they are missing out on their kid’s childhood because of their demanding and exhausting jobs. On the other hand, moms who stay at home and don’t work feel like they are missing out on their own careers and possibilities to earn money. So what is the best solution to your problem? Finding a part-time job. In that way, you can be productive and have a regular monthly income and still have enough time to dedicate to your kids and help them with their homework. But where can you find such a job?

Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock.com
Luckily, nowadays we don’t have to limit ourselves to offices only. We can seek jobs on the Internet and work online, from our homes. Thanks to the technology, we can now expand the number of our options and we don’t have to accept just any type of a job just to have a regular income. This means that moms have a much greater number of options to choose from if they wish to find employment. Home-based jobs are very convenient for moms with kids in school because they can earn some money while waiting for their kids to come back from school. And you can even have enough time after work to make lunch and spend some quality time with your family. It’s so much more relaxing than coming home at 5 or 6 and not having enough time to even prepare a proper dinner for you kids. The best part about online jobs is that you can choose from a variety of jobs based on your preferences. You can do freelance work or find a legitimate job with a fixed schedule. Some of them even pay very well. If you are interested in knowing more about part-time jobs wth a great salary then read our list of 12 Well Paying Part Time Jobs for Moms.
On the other hand, is you are tired of staying at home all day, then you might look for a part-time job at an office. In this way, you won’t feel trapped at home anymore. It is a healthy need and we understand you completely because staying at home and working online might not be suitable for everyone. Some might need to feel more active, to get up, get dressed, and go to work every morning. Others find it more soothing to work from their homes.
Being a mom is very hard since it is a job that never stops – 24/7. But once you find a job that allows you to earn money and to take care of your kids after school, then it can be quite rewarding. Moms who need to stay at home probably wonder in what way can they earn some money and what kind of part-time jobs would be best for them. Actually, there are a lot of options which will enable you to dedicate enough of your time to your kids. Not all of them are home-based jobs, but all of them allow ou to spend to do your favorite job in the world, to be a mom. We have searched for part-time jobs with a flexible schedule that would be perfect for you. With a little help from the Working Mother and Rookies Moms, we have compiled a list of 10 9-3 part time jobs for moms with kids in school.