Hedge Fund - 3G Capital

Jorge Paulo Lemann Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

3G Capital is an investment firm founded in 2004 by Brazilian billionaire Jorge Paulo Lemann. Lemann's net worth is more than $10 billion. 3G Capital is managed by Alexandre Behring who joined the firm in 2005. 3G Capital has several investments in publicly traded US companies. Bill Clinton's son-in-law Marc Mezvinsky was also a partner at the firm.

Jorge Paulo Lemann
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: 3G Capital
Manager Jorge Paulo Lemann
Portfolio Value $743,477,000
Change This QTR 0.00%
Top 13F Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. SPY 500,000 $71,985,000 NEW 9.68%
2. GS 600,000 $68,208,000 NEW 9.17%
3. GOOG 3,301,046.9,299,408 $62,033,000 -9% 8.34%
4. DLPH 2,342,828.909 $60,878,000 -6% 8.18%
5. NWL 2,776,671 $53,007,000 +48% 7.12%
Latest 13D & 13G Filings
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