The Coca-Cola Foundation is The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO)’s primary international philanthropic arm. Founded in 1984, the Foundation was established in the U.S. as a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Foundations grants are awarded throughout the year on business plan priorities, tax requirements, legal compliance and approval by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. We all know the brand of course and recognise The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO) as a local business on a global scale. In fact if you you ever wondered what Coca -Cola could teach a startup read this gem of an article: Why Branding Is the Next Essential Startup Competency on their blog.The company has been committed to investing time, expertise and resources to help develop and maintain vibrant, sustainable and local communities.
Since its inception, The Coca-Cola Foundation has awarded more than $500 million to support global sustainable community initiatives, including water stewardship, community recycling, active healthy living, and education. Here in the U.K, Cass Business School, City University London, launched a new $528,000 undergraduate scholarship aided by support from the Foundation in February this year.
The scholarship, known as The Coca-Cola Scholars Programme, will offer eight students fully-funded places across Cass’s highly-ranked business, management and finance degrees. Under the programme, four UK and four international students will receive full tuition fees together with a living allowance.
During the second quarter of 2013, the global philanthropic arm of The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO) –awarded a massive US$8.8 million in grants to 66 community organizations worldwide.
The latest grants support the Foundation’s focus areas of enhancing personal well-being, building strong communities and protecting the environment. Between April and June, $1.9 million was directed to physical activity and well-being programs; $4.6 million to local priorities that include education, community improvement and other social well-being programs; and $2.3 million to water stewardship, recycling and environmental programs.
“The Coca-Cola Foundation is committed to addressing the needs of the communities in the 200-plus countries where we operate,” said Lisa M. Borders, Chair of The Coca-Cola Foundation and Vice President of Global Community Connections for The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO).“These organizations are creating the type of change needed to improve people’s lives, build sustainable communities and enhance our environment for future generations.”
Below is a snapshot of Organizations receiving grant funding from The Coca-Cola Foundation during the second quarter of 2013:
Education/Youth Development/Community Improvement
1). Pact Institute, Mekong Vitality Suc Song Mekong, United States, $400,000
2). UNIS CITE, Booster Drop-out Prevention Program, France, $260,000
3). Cruz Roja Española, Building Bridges Between the Job Market and Unemployed Young People, Spain, $187,440
4). Clontarf Foundation, TCCAusF– Engaging Aboriginal Boys in Education in Australia, Australia, $103,000
— Infographic : CocaCola by Karen Mulyate
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