There is no conspiracy theory here; aliens are real and there are 5 undeniable scientific proof that aliens and extraterrestrial life exist.
Over time, there have been a lot of debates on whether or not there is extraterrestrial life somewhere out there. According to BBC, extraterrestrial life is “life that does not originate from earth” and “may range from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings with civilizations far more advanced than humanity.” If you look at the internet, there are millions of people who subscribe to the idea that aliens exist, and they’re all correct. There’s enough evidence to prove it and there’s also not enough evidence to deny it.

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The X-Files tells us all we need to know about alien life. Mulder and Scully proved time and time again that everything leads back to extraterrestrial life, especially seeing as they were (spoiler alert) both abducted throughout the show. Aside from that, UFOs have been seen on the news, which adds to the idea that aliens just want to hang out with us, even if you laughed it off when you saw it. Alas, everyone is looking for concrete evidence based in science. Until they’ve shaken the hand of an alien they’ll deny it until their dying day.
The quest for concrete evidence is so strong that scientists and meteorologists founded the SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Reputable scientists and astronomers have done studies of their own to find out if it’s really true that there is other life outside earth.
In order to find 5 undeniable scientific proof that aliens and extraterrestrial life exist, I took to NASA, since they’re paid to think about space. Through my research, I chose the points that seem to have the most scientific backing in order to convince you that aliens, are in fact, real and exist somewhere in the universe. Whether or not you want to think they’ve visited earth and watched you sleep is a different story. Once you read this list you won’t be able to look me in the eyes and tell me aliens aren’t real.
If you want to read more content on aliens, take a look at the Roswell UFO Conspiracy and 5 Other Alien Conspiracy Theories.
5. Astronaut Statements
These are people who have the most appropriate background in extraterrestrial life. They’ve spent numerous hours studying space and even spent time in space itself exploring. There have been many reputable astronauts who have spoken of alien life and these are some of their thoughts:
“In my official status, I cannot comment on ET contact. However, personally, I can assure you, we are not alone!” — NASA Astronaut Charles J. Camarda, ph.D.
“Statistically it’s a certainty there are hugely advanced civilizations, intelligence, life forms out there. I believe they’re so advanced they’re even doing interstellar travel. I believe it’s possible they even came here.” — NASA Astronaut Storey Musgrave

4. Allan Hills Meteorite
Back in 1996, a group of astronauts made an announcement about a suspicious looking meteorite, now referred to as the Allan Hills Meteorite. It stirred a worldwide controversy because it was said to have come from Mars. They referred to this meteorite as evidence of fossilized microbial life on Mars and it led to speculation that Mars is similar to Earth. The issue was so big that even President Bill Clinton gave a national address. Since then, people have started to believe that we are not alone in the universe.

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3. Discovery of Exoplanets
About two decades ago there was an announcement form respected scientists about the discovery of exoplanets. They confirmed 1,978 exoplanets and 4,700 were slated to be confirmed. It’s a discovery that changed the viewpoint of many people. Definitely an undeniable scientific proof that aliens and extraterrestrial life exist. Extrasolar planets are smaller versions of the planets we already know that surround the larger ones in the solar system. They are what are now referred to as “Hot Neptunes” and “Hot Jupiters.” One Earth-life exoplanet is called Kepler-452b. According to research, it’s just right for life, or extraterrestrial life, rather.

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2. Mars Has an Ocean
There have been discoveries about Mars that say it has an ocean that’s dated to have been existing for around 200 million years. Since Mars is right next to Earth in our solar system, it’s possible it can just as easily sustain life. Another interesting fact about Mars that took it close to the top of our list of the 5 undeniable scientific proof that aliens and extraterrestrial life exist is that even today liquid water exists on the red planet. Water, as we know, can support life. David Bowie asked us long ago if there was life on Mars, and it turns out there probably is.

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1. Saturn’s Moon Has a Giant, Global Ocean
To know a planet other than Earth can sustain life is surprising enough, but to think that a moon could support it too is breathtaking. According to scientists, Saturn’s moon, called Enceladus, has an ocean beneath the icy surface that’s enough to support life. There’s enough evidence to show that this moon has the same hydrothermal vents like the Earth has, which was responsible for spawning life.
If further studies are going to be conducted and prove these discoveries to be true, then you can no longer deny the life of aliens in the universe. Aliens are real and you’re pompous if you think you’re the only life that exists. To satisfy your doubtful mind, you can do more research on the 5 undeniable scientific proof that aliens and extraterrestrial life exist.

Elena Schweitzer/