From thousands upon thousands of regular couples looking for a quick or unique wedding to countless weddings that involved celebrities – both real and impersonations, the best places to get married in Las Vegas are full of character that you cannot really find elsewhere but here.
In coming up with this list, we looked into suggestions from the Las Vegas wedding guides of Trip Advisor, USA Today, and Hello Magazine among others. We’ve rounded up the 11 most frequently recommended Las Vegas wedding chapels – the ones that are uniquely Las Vegas – and ranked them based on how beautiful the location is as well as how uniquely Las Vegas the wedding experience is.

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Couples looking to get hitched inexpensively in Las Vegas will most definitely find the perfect place; and all they get to save up on their wedding could well be transferred to a honeymoon at any of the Most Expensive Hotel Suites in Vegas.
So, getting more curious about the best that Sin City has to offer? Click ‘Next’ to get started on your list of the best places to get married in Las Vegas!