If the amount of hours required for a full-time job aren’t pragmatic for you, but you still want the benefit of weekends off, this list of the 11 best part-time jobs with weekends off should be right up your alley.
The most annoying thing about having a part-time job is the horrible hours that do nothing for a social life. I remember having to work Saturday nights weeks in a row and deprive myself of seeing my friends during prime “going out” times. I was making money, sure, but I was miserable having to deal with the inconsistency, and two days off in a row for a weekend is so blissful and calming. It really helps me rejuvenate. Now that I work full-time during the week I’m more aware of the importance of a good weekend break.

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Students or busy parents don’t always have the time to commit to a 40-hour work week. Part-time jobs give you a little bit of flexibility in shifts and some don’t require a lot of specialized skills. Not working weekends is something most people want in life since many social events happen during these times. It’s also nice to have guaranteed days in a row to catch up on much-needed sleep. A lot of part-time jobs make you take what you can get shift-wise, so these 11 gems will truly be something to look into if you’re a weekend party animal or just need to sleep until three in the afternoon on a Saturday.
To compile this list of jobs, we consulted several trusted sources, such as SheKnows, LocalWise, and Workopolis. We took their suggestions into consideration and chose them based off frequency of mention and the median salary of each position. The jobs with the highest pay rate are closer to the top of the list. We all want to know what will make us a little extra money. We took that information from Payscale and Salary — great references for knowing about money.
For those less concerned with free weekends and more focused on school and taking trips, take a look at our list of the 10 Best Part-Time Jobs with Tuition or Travel Benefits. Keep on reading for best part-time jobs with weekends off!