If you have special concerns in regards to heart complications, please take a look at our list of 11 best cardiology hospitals in the world.
If you or a loved one suffer from heart complications, you will undoubtedly need to do some research in order to figure out which local institution may best address your specific medical needs. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in America, and many will, unfortunately, have to visit a cardiology specialist at some point in their lives.

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While you’re at it, you can also check out the best surgical hospitals in the world.
In looking for the best hospitals to include in our list of best cardiology hospitals in the world, we checked several credible online sources with published articles on the matter. We used information from Forbes, Hospital Webometrics, and Becker’s Hospital Review. We compiled a list of every hospital that appears on all three sites, and then averaged their ratings across all platforms.
Without further ado, here is our list of best cardiology hospitals in the world.
11. Cleveland Clinic
With a whopping 543,000 hospital visits per year, there is no doubt this hospital is among the best in the world. This clinic is recognized everywhere as a very competitive cardiology hospital, because of their high percentage of operation success.

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